4 Key Tips to Prepare Your AC for Spring

Air conditioning devices have become one of the most powerful household machines. As its name implies, the air conditioner adds to your home’s comfort, delivers a cool feeling, and keeps you relaxed during the spring and humid summer season.

Nevertheless, this is only attainable when you adequately take care of your cooling device and place it in the right spot by calling a professional technician for air conditioning installation in Hamilton.

Key Tips To Make Your Air Conditioning Unit Spring Ready

If your air conditioning unit is not well maintained, it can consume more power every month and become less efficient. So, to keep your appliance running seamlessly throughout the spring or upcoming summer season, here are four key tips that will help you maintain your air conditioning device and save money on power bills:

  • Clean The Air Filters Routinely

The function of an AC air filter is to avert dirt and dust particles from penetrating your house and providing fresh air. Nevertheless, when these air filters are not washed or changed, they may become obstructed by dust and harm your air conditioning device. Furthermore, you must keep in mind many elements when changing the filters.

For example, if you have a big joint family or have any pets in your place, you may need to wash or change the AC air filters every two to three months. Nevertheless, if you live alone or in a nuclear family, or without pets, you may clean or change the AC air filters every six to twelve months. Furthermore, it is advised to contact professional AC service experts in Hamilton if you don’t know how to wash or change the AC filters.

  • Make Sure The AC Condenser is Clean.

The air conditioner condenser is essential for the proper functioning of your machine because it chills the refrigerant gas and delivers cool air. So, if the AC condenser does not function correctly, the air conditioner also stops its cooling cycle.

Cleaning the condenser is a significant job during spring as it will lower the risk of further damage and guarantee that the device stays operative for an extended period.

  • Ensure That The Evaporator Drain is Clear.

The primary function of an evaporator coil is to soak the heat from the atmosphere and push the cold air into your home. The coil absorbs the humidity from the air in liquid form. Then, the water moves into the drain and is expelled through the outside sink.

Nevertheless, algae and mold can cover the drainage veneer ad obstruct the drain or restrict the water flow in the long run without adequate maintenance. An obstructed drain can induce damage by overflowing or triggering the drain float, deterring cooling.

  • Plan Maintenance Regularly.

Regularly maintaining your air conditioning device can prevent frequent breakdowns, so it is advised to contact an experienced maintenance team. Professional technicians have the necessary knowledge to examine your device to ensure it works correctly.

At Bonsac Heating & Electric LTD, we are one of the leading HVAC companies in Hamilton and nearby areas, renowned for offering world-class repairs, maintenance, and installation of your AC unit. To book an appointment with our team at Bonsac Heating, call us at (905) 545-3959 or drop us a line at service@bosanac.ca.

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