How Does Your HVAC System Work? 8 Important Parts and What They Do

Understanding different components of your heating and cooling system allow you to maintain it correctly. Furthermore, calling experts routinely for your air conditioner or furnace service Hamilton can help you save money on hefty repairs and keep your system running at peak effectiveness to ensure your home remains comfortable.

What are some of the most important HVAC parts?

Your heating blower motor, cylinder head, condenser, evaporator, and thermostat are all vital components of your HVAC system. Here is a list top eight parts that make up the core of your furnace.

  • Heat exchanger

Your heat exchanger is one of the most crucial components of your furnace that absorbs energy and heats the air when your thermostat prompts your furnace and heat from ignition rises.

  • The blower engine

When the air in the heat exchanger attains a predetermined temperature, an electric air compressor in your HVAC powers the fan, compelling the hot air into your home’s pipework and through the air vents at your place.

The adjustable blower engine can run at various speeds and allow you to control the air movement throughout your home carefully. In addition, it can keep your HVAC system safe by shutting the engine in case of any glitches.

  • Combustion chamber or burner

For proper combustion, oxygen must be present, and your heater adds air to a gas inside a combustion chamber, also known as a burner. The heating cycle in a gas furnace begins when a small amount of air and gas combination enters the combustion chamber. The mixture then gets ignited with a flashlight or pilot light, and it burns in a controlled fire as more gas and air enter the burner.

  • Compressor

The condenser coil or combustor is a component of your air conditioning unit or heat pump that typically remains located outside your home. A compressor cools your home by dissipating heat into the surrounding air when the refrigerant is compressed and condensed from a warm gas to a cold liquid.

  • Evaporation coil

The evaporator coil is an essential component of your air conditioning unit or heat pump that remains located within your system’s indoor air handler. Your HVAC system circulates the refrigerant through a collection of minor nozzles or expansion valves, which splatter the liquid refrigerant so that it can evaporate from a liquid to gas more quickly.

  • Coolant line

Refrigerant or coolant lines transport liquid from the outside condenser coil to the internal heat valve, and the gas then returns to the condensing unit via these routes.

  • Ducts

These unseen components of the HVAC system are in charge of air distribution. Ductwork typically remains installed in the ceiling and walls and terminates at the vents and checkouts in every room.

  • Vents

Vents, typically made of metal or wood, distribute air throughout the home’s rooms.

If you are lately facing trouble alongside your heating unit and looking for experts for your furnace repair in Hamilton , Bonsac Heating & Electric can be your one-stop destination. To know more about our HVAC services or book an appointment, call us at (905) 545-3959 or write to us at


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