Where is The Sensor Located on A Goodman Furnace?

Goodman Furnaces are one of the most efficient furnaces in terms of quality. The flame sensor is a very important part of an HVAC system. It prevents improper fuel burning.

What is A Flame Sensor?

A flame sensor is like a thin metallic rod that recognizes flames burning inside the furnace. The sensor shuts when it fails to recognize any flame in the furnace and avoids loss of gas.

Location of The Flame Sensor

The flame sensor can be found near the burner assembly in your unit. Frequent use of the furnace can make the sensor dirty, and it might be difficult for the sensor to recognize a flame. The sensor needs to be simply cleaned to work properly, and for that, it needs to be located. There are some instructions to follow to locate, replace and clean the sensor –

  • Turn off the gas supply.
  • Switch the furnace off while removing the panels.
  • Detach the upper and lower compartment access panel
  • Locate the sensor near the burning housing.
  • Remove the sensor from the housing.

How To Know If The Furnace is in Bad Shape?

Check if the temperature is fluctuating or the thermostat is malfunctioning. See if your furnace is making unpleasant noises. If your furnace is in bad condition, then there is a good chance that your electricity bills will be higher than usual. Sometimes your furnace smells bad, and it might even release a lot of dust. The flame turns yellow rather than blue.

A bad furnace at home has a not-so-good vibe, and hence it is very necessary to keep it serviced. Technically, a furnace needs to be cleaned at least once a year to maintain the efficiency of the HVAC system.

How To Know If The Sensor is Faulty?

Sometimes the furnace stops working soon after it burns. Sometimes the metallic rod gets cracked, and the sensor gets eroded. This is the time you should clean or replace your sensor.

Cleaning a Goodman Furnace Flame Sensor

Once you successfully locate the sensor, you need to clean it. To clean it, you first need to turn off the furnace and turn off the gas intake, and only then can we remove the sensor. Use clean paper or a towel to clean the corrosion.

Furnace Services in Hamilton

Bosanac Heating and Electrical Ltd. is a leading industry in furnace services in hamilton. The furnace repair in hamilton and other services are also taken care of. The warning signs should always be attended to avoid the loss of money and health-wise.

It is suggested to buy the annual HVAC service contract, so your furnace is well taken care of. Sometimes your furnace might just need servicing rather than replacement. But if the furnace has serious problems, then replacement should be considered.

To know more about HVAC repairs and contracts, you can visit our website or give us a call at 905-545-3959. Stay connected and updated with all our new products by following us on social media.

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